Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Protect and Restore Tucannon Watershed
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Plateau Tucannon 100.00%
Contract Number:
73982 REL 100
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
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Contract Status:
Contract Description:
Background:  The Tucannon River basin is located within the ceded-area of the CTUIR in Southeast Washington State, in Columbia and Garfield counties. The system-wide restoration objective for the Tucannon River is to improve habitat conditions for Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed species (Snake River Spring Chinook and Steelhead) for all life history stages.  It is expected that improved habitat conditions will lead to an increase in the abundance of listed species returning to the river.  The long term goal of increasing abundance should lead to de-listing of the species, which is the overall recovery goal for the system. Previous assessment efforts (CTUIR, WDFW, CCD and SRSRB) have identified the habitat-limiting factors associated with the decline of ESA-listed populations.  

The Tucannon River Geomorphic Assessment & Habitat Restoration Study (Anchor QEA, April 2011) identified and prioritized stream reaches and restoration actions which would best improve habitat for salmonids.  Focusing on the high priority areas for Tucannon spring Chinook, the Columbia Conservation District (CCD) coordinated the development of a habitat restoration plan for the Tucannon River from RM-20 upstream to RM-50; the CCD continued to work with the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board (SRSRB), through the Tucannon River Programmatic Habitat project, and extended the Tucannon River restoration plan from RM-20 downstream to the confluence of the Snake River.  This Conceptual Restoration Plan (Anchor QEA, November 2011) has prioritized projects into three Tiers (1-3) based on the projected effects of implementation as a benefit to Snake River spring Chinook, cost-efficiency relative to those benefits, and the feasibility of construction.

Overview: The Snake River Salmon Recovery Board (SRSRB) manages the Tucannon River Programmatic Habitat Project (2010-077-00) through a parent contract for the operations support, management organization, implementation assistance, and reporting described in this summary. The goal of the Tucannon River programmatic is to restore habitat function and natural channel processes in the spring Chinook priority restoration reaches of the Tucannon River, leading to improved population productivity and abundance.  The CTUIR manages this contract as a contribution in support of programmatic goals, consistent with the CTUIR River Vision: a desired riverine system that is shaped and maintained by the dynamic interactions and interconnections of its natural physical and ecological processes. The restoration actions proposed for implementation in the prioritized river segments promote and enhance the interconnected nature of the five primary touchstones of the Tribes' Vision: a) hydrology, b) geomorphology, c) connectivity, d) riparian community, and e) aquatic biota.  

Major limiting factors influencing the condition of these touchstones throughout the project reaches proposed for treatment in the watershed, include:  
  â€¢ Anthropogenic modifications affecting and causing the loss of natural channel forming processes that link the Tucannon River to its floodplain;
  â€¢ Loss of key in-channel habitat complexity and structure, including diversity and quantity, especially in the form of gravel sorting, varied velocities, and pools associated with recruitment of large wood; and
  â€¢ Elevated summer water temperature, and reduced flow duration.

This contract continues the CTUIR role anticipated in the Accords (BPA) and the Tucannon Habitat Programmatic Project: to inform and conduct project evaluation, selection, management, implementation planning, data collection, monitoring, outreach and other tasks, where tribal staff can provide expertise; and to be an implementer of the on-the-ground project construction activities for projects identified in the Programmatic work plan, and sub-regional Snake River Salmon Recovery Plan. Contract tasks include identifying and sequencing projects for implementation pursuant to the prioritized restoration strategy of the Habitat Programmatic, and consistent with the Tribes' First-Foods paradigm and River Vision principles; the CTUIR staff will partner with SRSRB participants and others to implement the priority projects.
Contract Summary: This yearly contract supports the development of future project concepts, refinement of restoration approaches, the production of engineered designs for selected projects, implementation work-planning and construction scheduling for approved projects, and the build-out of completed projects.

  â€¢ Ongoing: In this contract term, CTUIR staff continues to support and maintain watershed coordination with SRSRB, CCD, WDFW and Nez Perce Tribe, through ongoing communication and collaboration, shared work-tasks, and monthly and quarterly meetings. The CTUIR is also a member of and attends the meetings of the SRFB Lead-Entity committee, to review, rank and select projects for funding in the State of Washington (RCO) Salmon Recovery sub-regional process for the Snake River. CTUIR staff attends SRSRB (Board) Meetings on a monthly basis, and acts as the RTT Board Liaison to ensure pertinent information is transferred from the RTT to the Board. The CTUIR continues project development efforts and implementation tasks addressed to improving habitat structure and function at Project Areas (PA) throughout the Tucannon Watershed.

  â€¢ Current: Emphases in the current contract period are at: PA-17/18 and PA-28. Longer-term efforts at Project Areas 4/5 & 7, and for Tucannon Ranch, continue to be evaluated and monitored.  
Work Status (FY20): CTUIR will lead the implementation management and supervision for: pre-construction site preparation, permitting, and design finalization in PA-17/18 and PA-28.  Actions in both project areas are identified as a high priority for habitat improvements (Anchor QEA, Nov 2011), and focus on increasing the amount of large wood debris (LWD) to increase channel complexity and floodplain connectivity, the highest priority actions for spring Chinook in the Tucannon. Description of the project areas with respect to existing natural processes and habitat conditions is to be provided in the associated project Design Report, along with the specific physical and biological objectives that the proposed restoration features are expected to achieve for each phase of the design/build for the project areas.  

(1)  Project Elements (PA-17/18): included in the Hartsock Floodplain Restoration Project, Phase-1 of the WDFW Hartsock project area (PA-18) was completed in summer of 2017; the intention is to be ready for implementation of Phase-II of the PA-17/18 design in 2021. Note (caveat): CTUIR staff expects these next phases (Phase-2 and beyond in PA-17) to be challenging as we move from public to private lands. CTUIR anticipates needed flexibility in the dates for project design completion and implementation planning, to adapt to changing circumstances, adjusting time frames as development proceeds.

Status: Phase-I (FY18): 1-mile reach complete at Wooten Wildlife Area (Hartsock Floodplain Restoration Project): PA-18
  -- Removed selected levee segments, and excavated seasonally active side channels to increase floodplain connectivity and allow for local sediment deposition and channel migration;
  -- Helicopter and excavator installation of ~ 50 LWD structures to increase complexity throughout the reach to provide velocity refuge for instream juvenile salmonid habitat, pools for adult salmonid holding habitat and promote side channel and floodplain connectivity;
  -- Increased spring channel connectivity with the river on WDFW property to promote salmonid spawning and rearing.

Phase-2 (FY20/21): work with local landowners to determine restoration project interest on the upper 1.5 miles: PA-17  
  -- Restoration planning with local landowners to determine landowners interest in a future restoration project;
  -- Complete landowner agreements verifying landowner participation in the restoration project;
  -- Start project design with Tucannon implementer and landowners in PA-17 starting with 15% design;
  -- Work through project design to 100% with Tucannon implementers and landowners, identify project elements and start permitting during 2020.  
  -- Project implementation would start summer of 2021, if momentum continues with willing landowners in PA-17.

Phase-3 (FY21): work with Columbia County and private landowners in the bottom of reach: PA-18
  -- Long-term planning with Columbia County for the replacement of the downstream Tucannon River Road Bridge;
  -- Work with private landowners to gauge interest in levee removal and side channel reactivation;
  -- Complete landowner agreements verifying landowner participation in the restoration project;
  -- Start project design with Tucannon implementers and landowners in PA-18 starting with 15% design;
  -- Work through project design to 100% with Tucannon implementers and landowners, identify project elements and start permitting during 2020;
  -- Project implementation would start summer of 2021, if we have willing landowners in PA-18; and if we can find funding to replace Columbia County Bridge.

(2)  Project Elements (PA-28): In addition to the work at PA-17/18, CTUIR staff will also be planning for project implementation at PA-28 (Phase I & II). The design focus for PA-28 is on improving the multiple habitat structure, floodplain connection, and stream function deficiencies associated with this reach of the Tucannon River. Enhancing and restoring instream habitat in this project area will be accomplished through a variety of treatment actions in the main channel, along the banks, and within the floodplain. These design features are intended to benefit spring Chinook by providing better refuge and spawning habitat for adults, reducing redd scour during winter flood events, and increasing rearing habitat and over-winter survival for juveniles.

Status: PA-28 (Phase I) is currently in the design phase (see contract #73982 REL42); CTUIR project staff will be working with the private landowner and design subcontractor through the construction design period in an abbreviated timeframe (Dec - Jun), to be ready for implementation as early as Jul 2020.  
-- The anticipated 30-60% designs for both phases, will identify the following types of measures that can address spring Chinook limiting factors, and the touchstones of the CTUIR River Vision: 1) Increasing large woody debris loading to promote instream habitat quantity, quality/complexity; 2) Increasing instream habitat quantity/quality with habitat boulder clusters; 3) Hydraulically reconnecting the river with its floodplain through side channel construction (improved off channel habitat, floodplain vegetation); 4) Restoring riparian forest vegetation to promote future large wood loading and summer water temperature reductions; 5) Replacing downstream bridge to increase flood conveyance, and reduce upstream geomorphic effects.
-- The project’s contribution to the overall watershed-scale restoration plan will be described in each of the phased basis of design report (BDA). Construction considerations and best management practices will be included in the BDA for each development phase and in the 80% design drawings for the proposed treatment actions, once they are completed.

(3)  Project Elements (PA-4/5 & 7): CTUIR and BPA staff have planned for future project area work in PA-4/5 & 7, and at Tucannon Ranch, but scoping efforts await better definition of landowner interest. The intent is to initiate preliminary design, permitting, and pre-construction activities for for floodplain connectivity and channel complexity at Project Areas 4-5, and 7, conceptually described in the restoration plan (Anchor QEA, Nov 2011) as a priority action for improving spring Chinook habitat, by focusing on increasing channel length, improving shape, channel complexity, and floodplain connectivity. This will include working with US Forest Service to complete a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review for the project area. CTUIR staff has been working with the USFS to start the NEPA process as a priority, but PA-7 is down the list of other NEPA project tasks needed on the National Forest.

Status: Work originally initiated in the FY16 contract period (#72042), but has proceeded unevenly; additional development continues to lag pending sufficient progress in ongoing collaboration, and a more complete identification and definition of USFS needs & interests associated with project concepts in the PA-4/5 channel segment. Discussion of restoration concepts and concerns in the PA-7 reach area proceeds slowly and depends on progress in ongoing collaboration, and sufficiently definitive resolution of USFS interests associated with project development on WDFW property in the channel segment. The Tucannon Ranch property has been sold to a private party, whose interests are not yet known.

Phase-1 (FY21/22): define the scope of the project(s)  
  -- PA-4/5 are on WDFW property above and below Camp Wooten; CTUIR continues to contact WDFW staff (Camp Wooten), to explore restoration interest; a restoration project at Camp Wooten, an environmental learning facility, is a great fit given the benefits from the opportunities restoration presents for learning.    
  -- PA-7 is on USFS property and will require NEPA to advance any restoration opportunities; this will take some time and planning to accomplish. Originally NEPA was planned to start in 2018, but CTUIR lacks the power to get the NEPA motivation started within the USFS.  

Phase-2 (FY22): start working in PA-4 & 5  
  -- Restoration planning with WDFW Camp Wooten to determine interest in a future restoration project.
  -- Start project design with Tucannon implementer and Camp Wooten in PA-4/5 starting with 15% design
  -- Work through project design to 100% with Tucannon implementers and landowners, identify project elements and start permitting during 2021.  
  -- Project implementation would start summer of 2022, if Camp Wooten is interested in restoration.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 30-Nov-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration A: 119. Habitat Project Implementation Management and Contract Administration 03/31/2021 03/31/2021
Compliance documentation and assistance for environmental and cultural resource clearances B: 165. Environmental Compliance Clearance for ecological restoration and habitat enhancement projects 03/31/2021 03/31/2021
Productive, effective, cooperative relationships and action implementation with partner entities C: 191. Coordination of habitat restoration actions with other entities (Middle-Snake) 03/31/2021 03/31/2021
Portray the work; build understanding and appreciation of the restoration activities completed D: 99. Tucannon River: Outreach to Private Landowners (PA-17) and (PA-28) 03/01/2021 03/01/2021
Program guidance, prioritized project list, and implementation work plan or schedule E: 114. Identify, prioritize and select projects for habitat improvement 03/31/2021 03/31/2021
Upload design products (attach) in Pisces: develop Final Design (90-100%) F: 175. Final Design (80-100%): Floodplain Connection and Habitat Complexity Project (PA-17/18) 03/31/2021 03/31/2021
Establish and maintain streambank, riparian zone and floodplain plant communities G: 47. Establish Riparian and Floodplain Plant Community (PA-17/ PA-28) 03/31/2021 03/31/2021
Provide pre-construction project management activities; supervise the design build-out H: 100. Site Preparation, Materials Management, Field Engineering, Quality Assurance, Construction Oversight (PA-28) 02/01/2021 02/01/2021
Collection and assessment of trend data for 4 shallow alluvial aquifer wells I: 115. Assess Trends (Habitat Condition): monitor water level in the alluvial aquifer (PA-18): Year-3 03/31/2021 03/31/2021
Submit 2-year (Annual) Progress Report for 2019 and 2020 M: 132. Progress Report (2-year): Calendar-year 2019 and 2020 (01/01/2019 - 12/31/2020) 03/31/2021 03/31/2021

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Fall ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 172 Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 30 Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel
  • 1 instance of WE 38 Improve Road for Instream Habitat Benefits
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 172 Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 2 instances of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment
  • 3 instances of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 100 Construction Management
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 30 Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel
  • 1 instance of WE 38 Improve Road for Instream Habitat Benefits
  • 1 instance of WE 172 Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities
  • 1 instance of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment
  • 3 instances of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 100 Construction Management

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Habitat Project Implementation Management and Contract Administration
B 165 Environmental Compliance Clearance for ecological restoration and habitat enhancement projects
C 191 Coordination of habitat restoration actions with other entities (Middle-Snake)
D 99 Tucannon River: Outreach to Private Landowners (PA-17) and (PA-28)
E 114 Identify, prioritize and select projects for habitat improvement
F 175 Final Design (80-100%): Floodplain Connection and Habitat Complexity Project (PA-17/18)
G 47 Establish Riparian and Floodplain Plant Community (PA-17/ PA-28) 01/08/2021
H 100 Site Preparation, Materials Management, Field Engineering, Quality Assurance, Construction Oversight (PA-28)
I 115 Assess Trends (Habitat Condition): monitor water level in the alluvial aquifer (PA-18): Year-3
J 175 Minor Design, Conceptual Drawings and Site Plan (PA-3)
K 30 Tucannon (PA-3): construct bypass (flood) overflow diversion channel
L 38 Address road impacts to protect and sustain floodplain function, riparian-zone features, and channel structure: PA-3
M 132 Progress Report (2-year): Calendar-year 2019 and 2020 (01/01/2019 - 12/31/2020)
N 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
O 175 PA-4/5: Preliminary Design Specifications (Conceptual Restoration Approach)
P 115 PA-7: Feasibility Study (USFS) and NEPA
Q 172 Tucannon Ranch: Easement Pre-Acquisition and Project Development Tasks